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About us

We develop an environment free from violence and stereotypes towards women and girls

For equality and against gender stereotypes

The platform works as a corrective to the state in the field of equality, including against gender stereotypes and sexism, which are at the root of inequality and contribute to violence against women.

we are

Coalition of civil society organisations

The Bulgarian Platform to the European Women's Lobby (Bulgarian Platform - EWL) is a coalition of NGOs and supporters from across the country working for gender equality and against all forms of violence against women. We advocate for the interests of all women regardless of their race, ethnicity, health, sexual orientation, age, religion, beliefs or other differences.

society in which

Empowering women

The Bulgarian Platform shares and works for a society where women's contributions in all aspects of life are recognized, rewarded and valued - in leadership, in care and in production; all women have self-esteem, freedom of choice; all women and girls are free from violence and exploitation; no woman or girl is abandoned by institutions.

Services and activities

We implement projects and provide services to women victims of violence, for women’s empowerment, to overcome gender stereotypes and stereotypes of women from minority groups, including. Roma, refugee and migrant women.

Member organisations

Bulgarian Platform – EWL accepts members who share our mission, principles and goals.


Bulgarian Platform - EWL

Илиана Балабанова

Съосновател и председател

Александра Димитрова-Ненова

Експерт комуникации

Теодора Маринова

Aсистент проекти

Анелия Йончева

Юридически експерт към Фондацията
Експерт Фондонабиране

Десислава Христова

Експерт Фондонабиране
Member organisations

Expertise and practice

We belong to the largest alliance of organisations and activists working to build a just Europe, based on our feminist values of equality between women and men, respect for diversity, our values of peace, dignity and justice.

keep in mind

Join us

You belong to the largest alliance of organisations and activists working to build a just Europe, based on our feminist values of equality between women and men, respect for diversity, our values of peace, dignity and justice.

Exchange of information and good practices

You get opportunities to exchange information and good practices in the field of gender equality, which are initiated and implemented at European Union level.

Impact on policies

You have the opportunity to influence policies on women in Bulgaria and Europe.


Opportunity for national and international partnerships, which are implemented by various member organisations of the European Women's Lobby.

International response

You have access to training, seminars and conferences on gender equality and violence against women.

Types of membership


An annual membership fee of BGN 50, with the right to participate in the General Assembly and with the right to vote on decisions

Individual membership

An annual membership fee of BGN 10, with the right to participate in the General Assembly and without the right to vote in decision-making

Subscribe now!


This site was created with the support of the Bulgarian Fund for Women

Bulgarian Platform – EWL © All rights reserved

Developed by: VBrand Visuals