get acquainted
Topics we work on in the field of women's rights
By implementing its initiatives, the Platform actively contributes to increasing knowledge and sensitivity regarding the role of women in society, provides services to women and children victims of gender-based violence.
Насилие над жените
Участие при вземане на решения
Икономическа независимост на жените
Жени и климатични промени
Заедно срещу сексизма
Жени от мигрантски и други малцинствени групи
Жени и медии
Дискусионен клуб „ЖеРав“
Topic 1
Violence against women
News, Open letters, Violence against womenJune 22, 2023ByАлександра Димитрова-НеноваTwitter-newFacebookShare-emailLink
Bulgarian Platform of the European Women’s Lobby with an Open Letter regarding the need for urgent action on the adoption of the Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence
Topic 2
Participation in decision-making
Topic 6
Women from migrant and other minority groups
Discussion Club JEE-RAV
Put women on the map in small settlements
The Women-Raw.BG Discussion Club aims to create opportunities for a broader public debate on violence against women, women’s participation in decision-making processes, including politics, women’s participation in the economy, the image of women in the media, stereotypes and sexism, minority women, women and education, women and health.
Do you want to organize a meeting in your location or discuss a topic that is important to you?