Европейското женско лоби обявява конкурс за обучител по сексуално здраве и сексуални въпроси с минимум 5 години опит, владеещ английски и френски език. Обучителят следва да се включи в 6 обучителни онлайн сесии, стартиращи в края на март 2023. За по-подробна информация относно изискванията към кандидатите и как да се включите, моля вижте обявлението по-долу:
Are you a Sexuality Educator with at least 5 years’ experience? Do you speak English and French? Do you have knowledge on Violence Against Women and are you willing to help in combatting it through a Comprehensive Feminist Sexuality Education Training? Are you familiar with the UN guidance on Sexuality Education? If yes, this opportunity is for you!
The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is looking for a Sexuality Educator to help us in the creation of a Feminist and Comprehensive Sexuality Education training and to facilitate the 6 online sessions of this training in Burundi, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe before the end of August 2023.
We are looking for a Sexuality Educator:
- With at least 5 years of experience as a Sexuality Educator;
- Knowledgeable about Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights;
- Speaking fluently in English and/or French. Speaking both languages is not mandatory but a significant asset;
- Knowledgeable about the different forms of violence against women and girls and able to link it with the content of the Comprehensive Feminist Sexuality Education training to create;
- Familiar with the UN recommendations on the topic;
- Familiar and aligned with our 15 Feminist Principles on Sexuality Education;
- Proven experience with online trainings and environments;
- Knowledge about the 6 countries where the trainings will take place is an asset but not mandatory.
As a feminist organisation, we are seeking to build a feminist Europe that represents Europe in all of its diversity. As such, people/women of colour and from ethnic minority groups, people with disabilities, people from the LGBTQI+ community and people from marginalised groups are especially encouraged to apply.
Tasks and scope of work
The educator is expected to work on this project from the end of March 2023 to 30 August 2023.
The main responsibilities include:
- Provide expertise, recommendations and content proposals to develop the Feminist Sexuality Education training;
- Read carefully the documents mentioned in this call to make sure the EWL key principles are integrated into the content of the training;
- Take into consideration and include the feedback of the partners when developing the content of the training;
- Be ready to work on this project from the notification of selection (approximately end of March 2023) to August 2023;
- Be available for regular exchanges with the EWL team and the partners of the project to define the needs and requirements of the project from March 2023 to August 2023;
- Be available to facilitate 6 online trainings before August 2023;
- Be available to attend and contribute to the final meeting and event taking place in Brussels in August 2023.
The full description of tasks and deliverables is available here.
How to apply
Interested candidates are requested to submit an application to the European Women’s Lobby via email to fafara@womenlobby.org along with a:
- Copy of your CV;
- Any relevant information on previous trainings developed/led as an Educator;
- 1 page proposal with a preliminary draft on suggestions of content for the online training and its methodology;
- 1 page budget proposal explaining in detail the costs expected for one training and any other relevant information to be shared at this stage.
Please include in the e-mail the following subject line: “Application for Sexuality Educator: [YOUR NAME”].
The closing date for applications is 13 March 2023 at noon CET.