Project “Civil society communication and advocacy campaign on the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence using a joint methodology developed by the Council of Europe, WAVE Network and UN Women”
Funded by the Council of Europe under the project “Ending violence against women: a multi-stakeholder programme”
Implementation period: November 2022 to May 2023.
The project aims to promote the values, objectives and provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) and to dispel myths and misinformation regarding the Convention.

Main activities:
Political Forum with politicians, institutions, professionals, civil society to raise awareness and advocate for the rapid adoption of changes in Bulgarian legislation to protect and prevent domestic and gender-based violence in line with the standards of the Council of Europe Convention; held on 12 December 2022 in Sofia in cooperation with Bulgarian Fund for Women
A conference involving civil society, academics and media to debunk myths and lies about the Convention and to counter misinterpretation of the term “gender” and “gender-based violence”. The conference will be organized on 27 March 2023. in Plovdiv in cooperation with the DA-United Against Violence Foundation, full member of the Bulgarian Platform – EWL and Plovdiv University
Creation and dissemination of communication materials developed by CoE/WAVE/UN and adapted to the national context;
Development of a special section on the website of the Bulgarian platform on domestic and gender-based violence, national legislation and the Council of Europe Convention;
Social media campaign against violence against women and girls and domestic violence – first week of March 2023.
Project ‘Civil society communication and advocacy campaigns on the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence using a joint methodology developed by the Council of Europe, WAVE Network and UN Women’
Financed by the Council of Europe project “Ending violence against women: multi-country programme”
Period of implementation: November 2022 till May 2023

Main goals of the Project are awareness-raising and advocacy campaigns to promote the values, aims and provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (the Istanbul Convention), generating positive narratives and dispelling myths and misinformation regarding the convention.
Main activities in frame of the Project:
– Political forum with decision-makers, members of political parties, authorities and professionals to raise awareness on the topic of preventing and combating VAWG and DV and to dispelling myths and misinformation about the Convention; Organised on 12 December 2022 in Sofia, Bulgaria in cooperation with Bulgarian Fund for Women
Conference with CSOs, students and representatives from the academic society, media to debunk the myths and misconceptions about the IC and to counter the misinterpretation” of the term “gender” and “gender-based violence”, etc. will be organised in Plovdiv on 27 March 2023. The Conference will be organized in cooperation with Gender Alternatives Foundation, member of the Bulgarian Platform – EWL and the University of Plovdiv;
Creation of communication materials, developed by the CoE/WAVE/UN and adapted to the national context, for dissemination and distribution during the Political forum and conference, and shared publicly in strategic spaces;
Developing a special section in the Bulgarian Platform website on VAWG and DV, national legislation and the Istanbul Convention, where all the materials, results, recommendations developed in frame of the project will be published; the section will be updated regularly during and after the end of the Project;
Delivering key messages and having a week for social media campaign on VAWG and DV, national legislation and the Istanbul Convention – first week of March, 2023.
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